Adam J. Leite
Mahlon Powell Professor - 2021 - 2022
Oscar R. Ewing Professor - 2020 - 2021

Adam J. Leite earned his B.A. in philosophy from the University of California in 1992. He later earned his Ph.D. in philosophy from Harvard University in 2000. He joined the Indiana University (IU) faculty as an assistant professor of philosophy in 2000. He was promoted to associate professor in 2006 and full professor in 2018. In 2021, he earned the additional, honorary title of Mahlon Powell Professor of Philosophy.
Leite’s research is primarily focused on contemporary epistemology, including the nature of empirical justification, skepticism, testimony, epistemic reasons and epistemic normativity, and the relation between epistemological categories and our practices of assertion and justification. In the classroom, Leite teaches undergraduate courses titled Epistemology, Philosophy of Action, and the Later Wittgenstein.
Throughout his robust teaching and research career, Leite’s work has been recognized with several awards. He was awarded a Trustees’ Teaching Award from IU in both 2007 and 2016 to recognize his outstanding teaching at the University. He also received the Bechtel Prize in Philosophy from Harvard University in 2000.