Anthony D. Cox
One America Foundation Endowed Chair - 2018 - 2019

Anthony D. Cox earned his B.A. from Michigan State University in 1976. Upon graduation, he continued his education at Indiana University (IU) where he earned his M.B.A. in 1982 and Ph.D. in 1984. Since joining the IU faculty as an associate instructor of marketing in 1980, Cox has held numerous titles and appointments. He served as chair of the Evening M.B.A. Program from 1993 to 1995, and he held the title of Edgar G. Williams Faculty Fellow from 2002 to 2005. In 2018, he earned the additional, honorary title of One America Foundation Endowed Chair.
Cox’s areas of research include the analysis of how consumers evaluate the risks of using (and not using) medical products, how message framing influences health-related behaviors, and how measuring consumers' intentions and attitudes influences their subsequent behavior. He has authored several articles and papers on these topics and more that have appeared in premier research journals, including Health Psychology Review, Handbook of Persuasion and Social Marketing, and BMC Medicine.
Throughout his robust teaching career, Cox has been recognized with several honors and awards, including a Trustees Teaching Award, an M.B.A. Teaching Excellence Award, and the Schuyler F. Ottesen Undergraduate Teaching Award – all from IU.