Joshua Perry
Graf Family Professorship - 2020
Glaubinger Chair of Business Administration - 2016 - 2020

Joshua Perry earned his B.A. in American studies from Lipscomb University in 1993. Upon graduation, he continued his education at Vanderbilt University where he earned his Master of Theological Studies and J.D. in 2002. He joined the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University (IU) in 2009 as an assistant professor of business law and ethics. He has since held numerous appointments and titles at the Kelley School. In 2017, he earned the honorary title of Glaubinger Chair of Business Administration, and, in 2020, he earned the additional, honorary title of Graf Family Professor.
Prior to joining the IU faculty, Perry taught at Vanderbilt University Law School and School of Medicine, Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management, and Albany Medical College. He continues to serve as a visiting professor at Aix-Marseille University and Albany Medical College. His primary areas of expertise include the following: legal, ethical, and policy issues in healthcare, the life sciences industry, and the business of medicine; moral decision-making and critical thinking; and ethical leadership development and cultivation of organizational cultures that promote trust, integrity, and holistic flourishing.
Throughout his career, Perry has received several awards and honors to recognize his significant contributions to teaching and research. He has received research awards from prestigious organizations, including the Academy of Legal Studies in Business, the Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics, the American Business Law Journal, and more. He received a Trustees’ Teaching Award from the Kelley School of Business in 2010, 2013, and 2019 to recognize his outstanding teaching.