Jeffery McMullen
David H. Jacobs Chair in Strategic Entrepreneurship - 2019
Dale M. Coleman Chair of Management - 2016 - 2019

Jeffery McMullen earned his M.B.A. and Ph.D. in strategic management and entrepreneurship at the University of Colorado and his Bachelor of Accountancy at New Mexico State University. He joined the Indiana University (IU) Kelley School of Business faculty in 2008 as an assistant professor of management. He was promoted to associate professor in 2012 and full professor in 2016. He earned the additional, honorary title of Dale M. Coleman Chair in Management in 2016.
Prior to joining the IU faculty, McMullen consulted and created new ventures in the Boulder Valley and worked as a CPA in the Information, Communications, and Entertainment (ICE) division of KPMG. Within academia, his areas of expertise and research include entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, and strategic management. McMullen’s research has been published in several premier journals, including the Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, and numerous others. He serves as the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Business Venturing and was formerly the editor-in-chief of Business Horizons.
Throughout his robust practicing, researching, and teaching career, McMullen has been honored by an array of prestigious organizations, some of which include the Academy of Management’s Entrepreneurship Research Exemplars Conference, the National Federation of Independent Business, the Ewing Kauffman and Cole Foundations, and more. McMullen was the recipient of a Trustees’ Teaching Award in 2008 and 2012 to highlight his outstanding teaching at IU.