Gail H. Vance
Sutphin Professor of Cancer Genetics (Emeritus) - 2014

Dr. Vance received her M.D. in 1980 from Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. She has been with the Indiana University Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics since September, 1989. From 1989 to 1992, she served as a Visiting Assistant Professor. In 1992, she was appointed assistant professor in the Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics and promoted to associate professor in 1998. Dr. Vance assumed the duties of assistant director of the Cytogenetic Laboratories in 1994 and director of the laboratories in 1998. Dr. Vance was appointed Interim Chairperson of the Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics in March, 1999. Dr. Vance is certified in Pediatrics (American Board of Pediatrics), Clinical Pathology (American Board of Pathology), and in Clinical Genetics and Clinical Cytogenetics (American Board of Medical Genetics). She holds the rank of Professor in the Department of Medical & Molecular Genetics, and the Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine.
With Cindy Hunter, M.S., Dr. Vance directs the Indiana Familial Cancer Program, which provides genetic counseling, risk assessment and genetic testing to individuals with an elevated risk for developing cancer. Currently, the IFCC offers counseling for patients with high risk for breast and ovarian cancer, familial adenomatous polyposis, and hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer, Li Fraumeni syndrome and other familial cancer syndromes. She also directs the state's only Familial Pancreatic Cancer Registry, which collects information on patients with family histories of pancreatic cancer. Dr. Vance also serves as a clinical geneticist, seeing families in genetics clinics held in Indianapolis, Carmel, and Evansville.