Timothy L. Fort
Eveleigh Professor in Business Ethics - 2013

Timothy Fort holds the Everleigh Chair in Business Ethics at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. He previously held the Lindner-Gambal Chair in Business Ethics at the George Washington University School of Business from 2005-2013. There, he founded and served as the Executive Director of the Institute for Corporate Responsibility and was Academic Director for the STAR EMBA Program. While at GW, he also served as Interim Dean for the Undergraduate Program and Department Chair of Strategic Management and Public Policy. From 1994-2005 he was a professor at the University of Michigan where he also held the Bank One Assistant Professorship of Business Administration. His primary research identity pertains to issues of ethical corporate culture and the relationship between ethical business and sustainable peace.
He has authored four major books (Oxford University Press, 2001; Cambridge University Press 2003 with Cindy Schipani); a solely authored with Cambridge in 2007, and Yale University Press in 2008). His Business, Integrity and Peace won the Best Book Award from the Academy of Management's Social Issues in Business Section. He currently is working on fifth book on the topic with Stanford University Press: Diplomat in the Corner Office. He is currently writing two textbooks for West Publishing, one on Business Law with Northwestern University Law School's Stephen Presser and a solely authored textbook on Business Ethics.
Fort holds his PhD from Northwestern University where he also received his JD. His M.A. and B.A. are from the University of Notre Dame. He has received research awards from The Academy of Management, the Society of Business Ethics, and The Academy of Legal Studies of Business and has served on the editorial board of The Academy of Management Review, Business Ethics Quarterly, and The American Business Law Journal. He has authored more than seventy academic articles, book chapters, and reviews.