Jerome R. Busemeyer
Distinguished Professor - 2018
Provost Professor - 2012

Professor Jerome Busemeyer graduated cum laude in 1973 from the University of Cincinnati He then received his PhD as a mathematical psychologist from University of South Carolina in 1980, and later he enjoyed a post-doctoral position at University of Illinois. For 14 years he was a faculty member at Purdue University, and then he moved on to Indiana University in 1997, where he is now.
Professor Busemeyer has been called "a leader of the field of cognitive and mathematical psychology" who has "revolutionized the field" with his "significant, sustained, and novel contributions" to psychology and psychological theory. His research has been noted for its "breadth and depth" of thinking, with Busemeyer acting as a "prime mover" in changing the field. His work on decision field theory is foundational, it is "taken as a reference point for other theories of decision making" and has been cited by over 1,500 other works. His research connecting quantum modeling to cognition and decision-making has been called "pioneering" and its importance "widely recognized in the field" with "a growing body of adherents" in the field of psychology. This work has "resulted in a new surge in cognitive research" making use of Busemeyer's principles and has gained appeal beyond its initial audience influencing "a wide range of topics including many not in decision theory." In addition to his research on quantum modeling, Busemeyer has "played and keeps playing a leading role in the formation and development of the field as part of the scientific community," drawing from diverse disciplines to inform, earning "high esteem" from "top scientists in respective fields." His colleagues note the rarity of someone with his "level of depth, creativity, and insight" that is displayed in both his published work and his talks around the world and in his willingness to aid others in his discipline, being called "an ideal colleague."
Busemeyer has authored or edited five books on cognition and psychology. He has authored over 120 journal articles, 37 book chapters, and has given over 100 invited lectures and conference presentations in the United States and in nations around the globe. In addition, Busemeyer has been the recipient of grants from foundations and organizations, including the National Science Foundation, National Institute for Mental Health, the Air Force Research Laboratory, National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and National Institute for Drug Abuse. In total, he has received over $11 million in grant funding during his career to conduct research. Busemeyer's work and career has been recognized by his election as a fellow to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, to the Cognitive Science Society, and to the Society of Experimental Psychologists. He has also received the Society of Experimental Psychologist's Howard Crosby Warren Medal, which is among the oldest and most prestigious awards given in the psychological sciences. He has given the Jack Hilgard Lecture at Stanford University and was named a distinguished graduate alumnus of the University of South Carolina.
Busemeyer received the IU Bicentennial Medal in September 2020 in recognition of his distinguished contributions to Indiana University.