Roger W. Schmenner
Randall L. Tobias Chair in Business (Emeritus) - 2007
Richard M. & Myra L. Buskirk Professor of Manufacturing Management - 1998 - 2005

Roger W. Schmenner was the Richard M. and Myra Louise Buskirk Professor of Manufacturing Management as well as the Associate Dean - Indianapolis Programs at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business. He also held faculty appointments at Duke, Harvard, and Yale universities, and has been a three-time visiting faculty member at IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland (1986-87, 1992-93, and 2002-03). He was the president of the international Production and Operations Management Society during 1997 and is an elected Fellow of that Society.
Professor Schmenner's research interests within the field include manufacturing strategy, factory productivity, and manufacturing and service operations location. He has written over 100 published articles, book chapters, and cases including some that have appeared in the Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences, Production and Operations Management, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Urban Economics, and a number of others. Schmenner's book, Making Business Location Decisions (Prentice Hall, 1982), is a compendium of much of his stream of research on industry location.
Schmenner has authored three textbooks: Production/Operations Management: From the Inside Out (Prentice-Hall, 5th edition, 1993), Plant and Service Tours in Operations Management (Prentice-Hall, 5th edition, 1998), and Service Operations Management (Prentice-Hall, 1995). He was the editor of the casebook, Cases in Production/ Operations Management (Macmillan, 1986).
Professor Schmenner has a diverse range of consulting and corporate teaching experience, involving over 80 companies, several industry groups, and more than a dozen federal, state, and local government agencies or departments. He has served the Kelley School of Business as a department chairman and as the Co-Director of the School's federally funded CIBER (Center for International Business Education and Research).
In 2007, the Kelley School of Business commissioned The Roger Schmenner Faculty Fellowship to honor Professor Schmenner's tenure and commitment to Kelley Indianapolis. When Schmenner left his role as associate dean in 2007, he also endowed the Roger and Barbara Schmenner Faculty Fellowship as a way to support colleagues at Kelley.
Schmenner holds an A.B. degree from Princeton University (1969) and a Ph.D. from Yale University (1973), both in economics.