Myrtle M. Scott
* Deceased
Class of 1948 Herman B Wells Endowed Professor of Educational Psychology - 2001 - 2002

Scott's long history of university, campus, departmental and community service is evidence of a career dedicated to the academic growth of individuals as well as to the growth of the university.
She taught in the Department of Educational Psychology since 1970 and was a highly active and productive scholar while serving on countless committees. She was, said James Patterson, who served with Scott on the IU Bloomington Faculty Council and various advisory boards, "one of the most effective faculty citizens on campus." Professor Rita Naremore, who also served with Scott on the BFC, notes that she "learned a great observing Myrtle's unobtrusive but always effective chairpersonship."
The results of Scott's work are in abundant evidence. She developed and implemented IU's Intellectual Property Policy, which former IU President Thomas Ehrlich hailed as "a sound and sensible document...that meets the needs of all sides." In her committee work, Scott looked not only to the immediate issues at hand, but to the long-term effects of decisions. The committees on which she served all benefitted from her long-range vision: during her years on the Bloomington campus tenure committee, she was looked to "as the barometer and voice for academic freedom and fairness." She spent five years on the Bloomington campus Long-Range Planning Committee and was chair of the Public Relations Committee.