Catherine Bowman
Provost Professor - 2020
Ruth Lilly Professor of Poetry - 2005 - 2013

Catherine Bowman earned her M.F.A. from Columbia University in 1998. Following graduation, she joined the Indiana University (IU) faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences as an assistant professor of English. In 2005, she was bestowed the additional, honorary title of Ruth Lilly Professor in Poetry. She currently serves as a full professor of English and holds the additional, honorary title of Provost Professor of English.
Catherine Bowman is the author of the poetry collections Can I Finish, Please?, The Plath Cabinet, Notarikon, Rock Farm, and 1-800-Hot-Ribs, which was reissued by Carnegie-Mellon University Press as part of their Contemporary Classics Series. She is the editor of Word of Mouth: Poems Featured on NPR’s "All Things Considered”, an anthology of poems by poets she has reviewed, and featured on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered radio program. Her poems have appeared in several editions of Best American Poetry as well as many other literary magazines and journals, such as The New Yorker, The Paris Review, TriQuarterly, The Kenyon Review, River Styx, The Los Angeles Times, Ploughshares, Crazyhorse, Sycamore Review, Open City, and Conjunctions.
Her writing has been awarded the Peregrine Smith Poetry Prize, the Kate Tufts Discovery Award for Poetry, the Dobie Paisano Fellowship, a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship in Poetry, and Yaddo artist residencies. She was the recipient of a faculty teaching award and the IU President’s Arts and Humanities Award. She has served as director of the MFA Creative Writing Program, and she was the recipient of the 2020 Tracy M. Sonneborn Award.