Robert V. Robinson
Chancellor's Professor of Sociology (Emeritus) - 2002

Professor Robert Robinson received his A.B. from Brown University and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Yale University. He came to IU in 1979 and was named Chancellor's Professor in 2002.
Professor Robinson has published numerous articles in the American Sociological Review, the American Journal of Sociology, and Social Forces, and was a founding editor of Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. At Indiana, he has twice served as Director of the Institute of Social Research and is is Co-Director of the sociology department's Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) program, for which his department won the American Sociological Association's Distinguished Contributions to Teaching Award in 2001.
He is the author (with Nancy Davis) of CLAIMING SOCIETY FOR GOD: RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS AND SOCIAL WELFARE IN EGYPT, ISRAEL, ITALY, AND THE UNITED STATES (2012), which won the gold medal in the religion category of the 2013 Independent Publisher Book Awards and the 2013 Scholarly Achievement Award of the North Central Sociological Association.
He has received ten awards for his teaching at Indiana, including the Edwin H. Sutherland Award for Excellence in Teaching, the IU Trustees Teaching Excellence Recognition Award, and the Outstanding Mentor Award of the Sociology Graduate Student Association.