Robert M. Einterz
Donald E. Brown Professor Emeritus of Global Health (Emeritus) - 2020
Donald E. Brown Professor of Global Health - 2012 - 2020

Dr. Einterz received his B.A. (Chemistry) from Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana and his M.D. from Indiana University. He is the Donald E. Brown Professor Emeritus of Global Health and Clinical Professor Emeritus at the Indiana University School of Medicine.
His area of clinical interest is in General Internal Medicine International Health. He currently leads the IU Kenya partnership as Associate Dean for International Programs. The Division has coordinated the relationship between various IU departments and schools and the Moi University School of Medicine in Eldoret, Kenya to develop the largest HIV treatment program in Kenya which has grown to one of the largest public-sector programs in sub-Saharan Africa. The program, called AMPATH (Academic Model for the Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS) is the most rapidly growing HIV/AIDS care program in Kenya and perhaps all of sub-Saharan Africa.