Marjorie A. Lyles
Chancellor's Professor (Emeritus) - 2013
OneAmerica Chair in Business Administration - 2003 - 2013

Dr. Marjorie Lyles is the OneAmerica Chair in Business Administration and a professor of international strategic management at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business. She has been doing projects and work in China since 1985 when she was a consultant with the U .S. Department of Commerce in the Dalian programs. She has regularly returned to China and has been teaching a course on China to the Indiana University Kelley School MBAs since 1998. She also teaches classes on organizational learning, emerging economies and entrepreneurship in large organizations. She is a Fellow in both the Strategic Management Society and the Academy of International Business.
She was awarded the Indiana University President's John Ryan Award for distinguished contributions to the university's international programs, teaching and engagement. She was a member of the International Development Advisory Board of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation which provided strategic counsel on Indiana's opportunities for international trade and investment and global economic development including future trade missions and the state's representation around the world. She serves on the International Advisory Board of the American Management Association, among many other memberships and appointments. She is assisting the IU Center of Philanthropy with international development activities.
She has served in many official roles for professional organizations. Currently she is an elected member of the Board of Directors of the Strategic Management Society and is also a Trustee of the Strategic Research Foundation. She has served on the Board of Directors of the Academy of International Business and on the board of the Business Policy Division of the Academy of Management. She has served on the editorial boards of the Strategic Management Journal, the Academy of Management Review, the Journal of International Business Studies, and the Global Strategy Journal.
Marjorie Lyles brings more than 30 years of international business research, teaching and consulting experience to the Kelley faculty. She was the founding director of the Indiana University Center on Southeast Asia. Lyles has also been Visiting Professor and Scholar at INSEAD (France), Cambridge University (England), St. Gallen University's Institute of Management (Switzerland), Universiti Sains Malaysia, the National Institute of Development Administration (Bangkok), Copenhagen Business School, and the Imagination Lab (Switzerland).
In addition to her academic work, Lyles has also worked with governmental, non-profit and corporate entities across the globe. She has consulted with USIS, World Bank, USAID, UNDP and private firms in Malaysia, Hungary, Vietnam, Poland, People's Republic of China and Indonesia on international strategies, educational development projects, infrastructure projects, the development of the private sector, and needs assessment for management training. She also serves as a consultant to domestic firms pursuing international strategies.