Philip L. Cochran
Thomas W. Binford Chair of Corporate Citizenship - 2003

Professor Cochran received a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering and a B.S. in Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He also received an M.B.A. in Finance, an M.A. in Economics, and a Ph.D. in Business, Government, and Society from the University of Washington. He joined IU in 2003.
Professor Cochran is an expert in the areas of corporate citizenship, business ethics, corporate social responsibility, issue management and corporate governance. He is the author of articles that have appeared in Journal of Business Ethics, Business and Society, California Management Review, Journal of Public Affair, Contemporary Issues in Business and Society, Industrial Crisis Quarterly, Management International Review, Academy of Management Review, and Academy of Management Journal, among others. Professor Cochran has spoken at numerous conferences including being a Keynote Speaker at Second Russian Business Ethics Conference in Moscow, Russia in 1993 and an expert speaker on corporate governance and ethics at a U.S.I.A. sponsored conference in Bangkok, Thailand in 1999.
Professor Cochran is the recipient of the 1994 Howard Chase Award for his contributions to the theoretical framework of issues management and of the 2002 Sumner Marcus Award for his contributions to the Social Issues in Management field. Professor Cochran was the first President of the International Association for Business and Society and is a past Chair of the Social Issues in Management Division of the Academy of Management. Professor Cochran also serves on the editorial boards of several journals including: Business Ethics Quarterly, Business and Society, Business Forum, Corporate Governance: An International Review, and Journal of Public Affairs.