Karen Kafadar
Rudy Professor of Statistics - 2007 - 2014

Dr. Kafadar received her B.S. in Mathematics and M.S. in Statistics at Stanford University, and her Ph.D. in Statistics from Princeton University. Prior to joining the Statistics department in 2007, she was Mathematical Statistician at National Institute of Standards and Technology, Member of the Technical Staff at Hewlett Packard's RF/Microwave R&D Department, Fellow in the Division of Cancer Prevention at National Cancer Institute, and Professor and Chancellor's Scholar at University of Colorado-Denver.
Her research focuses on robust methods, exploratory data analysis, and characterization of uncertainty in the physical, chemical, biological, and engineering sciences, and on methodology for the analysis of screening trials. Her research has received several awards, including Outstanding Paper for Methodological Research from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Outstanding Applications Paper Award from American Statistical Association, and the William G. Hunter award from American Society for Quality, "for excellence in statistics as a communicator, a consultant, an educator, an innovator, an integrator, of statistics with other disciplines, and an implementor who obtains meaningful results ."
She served as Editor-in-Chief for Journal of American Statistical Association's Review Section and for Technometrics, a journal for statistics in the physical, chemical, and engineering sciences. She continues to serve as Associate Editor for several journals as well as on the governing boards for the American Statistical Association, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and the International Statistical Institute. She is a Fellow of the ASA and the International Statistics Institute (ISI), has authored over 80 journal articles and book chapters, and has advised numerous M.S. and Ph.D. students.