John F. Butterworth, IV
* Deceased
Robert K. Stoelting Professor of Anesthesia - 2005 - 2011

Dr. Butterworth received his B.A from the University of Virginia in 1975 and his M.D. at the Medical College of Virginia in 1979. He spent a fellowship year in the Division of Neurosurgery at Medical College of Virginia before completing his internship in surgery at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. He completed his residency and a research fellowship at the Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School from 1981-1984. After a year on the faculty at the Brigham and Women's Hospital, he joined the Department of Anesthesiology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine where over the course of nearly 20 years he served as Professor and Head of the Section of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology and Director of the Office of Clinical Trials Research. In 2011, Dr. Butterworth began serving as Professor and Chair of Anesthesiology at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine.
He received the B. B. Sankey Anesthesia Advancement Award and was on the Board of Trustees of the International Anesthesia Research Society. He served on the editorial boards of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine and of Anesthesia and Analgesia. Dr. Butterworth's research interests were in the areas of clinical pharmacology and outcomes, local and regional anesthesia, and acute pain management.