Debra K. Litzelman
RiD. Craig Brater Professor of Global Health Education - 2013
Richard C. Powell Professor of Medical Education - 2000 - 2011

Dr. Litzelman received her B.S. from Loyola University in Los Angeles in 1977 (psychology), her M.A. from the University of Southern California in 1980 (psychobiology), and an M.D. from the University of Cincinnati in 1984. She completed her residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center in 1987 followed by a fellowship in Health Service Research at Indiana University Medical Center in 1989. In 1990, Dr. Litzelman received postdoctoral training at Stanford University in the Faculty Development Program for Clinical Teaching.
Dr. Litzelman's interest in clinical teaching and medical education led to her professional career focused on curriculum development, faculty development, and research in medical education. Dr. Litzelman developed and validated instruments for the evaluation of clinical teachers, created an educational metric system for the Department of Medicine for the tracking and rewarding of medical educators, and created ambulatory training programs for medical students and residents. Dr. Litzelman has also conducted clinical teaching skills development programs for clinical faculty and residents locally and nationally since 1990.
Dr. Litzelman has received numerous teaching awards. In 1996, she received the Indiana University Frederic Bachman Lieber Distinguished Teaching Award. Dr. Litzelman is a reviewer for numerous medical education journals and a planning committee member for national education meetings for the Association of American Medical Schools. Dr. Litzelman has secured competitive education grants for curriculum development and learner, teacher, and program assessment. She recently served as a consultant for Moi University School of Medicine in Kenya, Africa, which is Indiana University School of Medicine's partner institution.
Since joining the Indiana University School of Medicine faculty in 1989, Dr. Litzelman has served as the Medicine Clerkship Director, Vice Chair for Educational Affairs for the Department of Medicine, and was named the Associate Dean for Medical Education and Curricular Affairs in 2002.