Phillip M. Podsakoff
John F. Mee Chair of Management - 2000 - 2013
John F. Mee Professor - 1996 - 2000

Professor Podsakoff is an expert in the fields of leadership and behavioral processes in organizations. He is internationally known for his research on transactional and transformational leadership processes in organizations, power and social influence processes, the effects of various "substitutes" for leadership, and the antecedents and consequences of employee "citizenship" behaviors.
Podsakoff received his undergraduate (1972) and M.B.A. degrees (1974) from California State University at Fresno, and his doctoral in Organizational Behavior and Social Psychology from Indiana University (1980). He joined the faculty of the School of Business in 1982, after teaching for two years at the Ohio State University. He has also served as a visiting research professor at INSEAD, in Fontainebleau, France (1993).
Professor Podsakoff is a member of the Academy of Management, and is a past Chair of the Research Methods Group. He is the author or co-author of almost 60 articles that have appeared in a variety of disciplines, including basic and applied psychology (Psychological Bulletin, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology), management and organizational behavior (Academy of Management Journal, Research in Organizational Behavior, Journal of Management, Leadership Quarterly, Group and Organization Management, Organizational Dynamics, Journal of International Business Studies), marketing (Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research), and personnel and human resources management (Personnel Psychology, Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, and the Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal).
In addition to his research and writing activities, Professor Podsakoff has been the recipient of a total of 12 teaching awards at the undergraduate, masters, doctoral, and executive education levels. He has extensive experience in teaching leadership programs to executives, and served for three years (1991-1993) as the coordinator of a module sponsored by the consortium of Big Ten Schools (MUCIA) to teach leadership concepts to managers in Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic.