James Wahlen
James R. Hodge Chair of Excellence - 2008

Jim Wahlen is Professor of Accounting, Chairman of the MBA Program, and the James R. Hodge Chair of Excellence at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. He joined IU's faculty in 1997. He received his PhD from the University of Michigan in 1991. He received his BBA from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 1979, and an MBA as well as an MPAcc from the University of Washington in 1982.
His teaching and research interests focus on financial accounting and the capital markets. His research examines the relation between financial statement information and share prices and returns. He has investigated how loan loss disclosures impact bank stock prices and relate to banks' future cash flows; the effects of fair value accounting for investment securities on stock prices for banks and insurers; earnings volatility and regulatory capital ratios; and the factors that influence the accounting, investing and financing choices made by bank managers. In addition, he has examined the degree to which the stock market is efficient with respect to accounting information, testing the extent to which an investor can successfully predict future stock returns with earnings and other financial statement information. His research has been published in such journals as The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Accounting Horizons, Financial Analysts Journal and others.
Professor Wahlen has co-authored a textbook on financial statement analysis and valuation, titled Financial Reporting Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation: A Strategic Perspective (6th edition; Thomson SouthWestern), with Professors Clyde Stickney and Paul Brown. He has taught courses on financial accounting and financial statements analysis in Undergraduate, MBA, Master of Accounting, PhD, and Executive Education programs at Indiana University. He has received numerous teaching awards from Indiana for his teaching in the MBA program and the PhD program. He has had public accounting experience in both Milwaukee and Seattle. In 1995, KPMG Peat Marwick named him a KPMG Peat Marwick Faculty Fellow. Prior to joining Indiana University, Jim Wahlen was on the accounting faculty at the Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina, where he was awarded the 1996-97 Teaching Award for the Master of Accounting program.