George M. von Furstenberg
J.H. Rudy Professor of Economics (Emeritus) - 1983

Throughout his career, work at U.S. government agencies such as the President's Council of Economic Advisers (Senior Economist, 1973-76) and the Department of State (1989-90), at IFIs (IMF, Research Department, Division Chief, 1978-83), and at the National Science Foundation (Economics-Program Director, 2006-2008) has alternated with his academic pursuits. A titled Professor of Economics at Indiana University, emeritus as of 2006, he is a member of the Toronto-based G8 Research Group, a past president (2000) and continuing board member of the North American Economics and Finance Association, and a participant in meetings of the Asian Economic Policy Panel. His principal fields are open-economy macroeconomics, international finance, and fiscal aspects of public economics, and these are also the areas he helps "mind" in his current job at NSF. He is listed in Who'sWho in the World etc.
His long-standing research interests in monetary and exchange arrangements that are most stabilizing and growth-supporting, especially for developing countries, are reflected in numerous articles in professional journals and in his most recent book projects including the co-edited volume, Monetary Unions and Hard Pegs: Effects on Trade, Financial Development, and Stability (Oxford U. Press, 2004). He continues to be an active participant in research and conferences on aspects of international finance and development in several parts of the world. His current academic work focuses on the economics of international financial services in particular locations, such as Hong Kong (an established center) and Shanghai (an aspiring center). He is also investigating causes and consequences of "The Overpromising Syndrome" in international agreements. Links to the full CV and to abstracts of recent articles appear below.