Valerie P. Jackson
Eugene C. Klatte Professor Emeritus of Radiology (Emeritus) - 2014
Eugene C. Klatte Professor of Radiology - 2010 - 2014
John A. Campbell Professor of Radiology - 1994 - 2010

Dr. Jackson is an expert in the field of breast imaging. She has been active in clinical work, research, and teaching regarding mammography, breast sonography, and interventional procedures of the breast. Dr. Jackson is also active in Radiology resident education. She was the Residency Program Director for the Indiana University Department of Radiology and is currently the chairman of the Department of Radiology.
Dr. Jackson received her A.B. degree in Biological Sciences from Indiana University, Bloomington in 1974. After graduating from Indiana University School of Medicine in 1978, she did her residency in Diagnostic Radiology at Indiana University Medical Center. She joined the IU faculty in 1982. She held the title John A. Campbell Professor of Radiology from 1994-2010. In 2010, she became the Eugene C. Klatte Professor of Radiology.
Dr. Jackson has been active in a number of national organizations. She has been a member of the American College of Radiology (ACR) Breast Task Force, chaired the ACR Commission on Education, and was a member of the ACR Board of Chancellors. She was President of the ACR in 2002-2003. She was elected to the Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) in 1986, became a Fellow of the SBI in 1991, and served as President of the SBI from 1991-1993. She reviews for a number of medical journals and served as an Associate Editor for the journal Radiology. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the American Board of Radiology.