Michael C. Dalsing
E. Dale and Susan E. Habegger Professor of Surgery (Emeritus) - 2004

Dr. Dalsing received his M.D. from The Medical College of Wisconsin in 1978. He matriculated to Indiana University were he completed a General Surgery residency in 1983. His training in Vascular Surgery was completed at Northwestern University in 1984 as the Conrad Jobst fellow. He returned to IU in 1984 and became Director and Chief of Vascular Surgery in 1987. During his tenure, Vascular Surgery has grown to seven full-time faculty members, maintains three accredited diagnostic laboratories, has an active basic science laboratory with NIH funding and has gained a national reputation.
Dr. Dalsing is board certified in General Surgery, Surgical Trauma and Critical Care as well as Vascular Surgery. His area of expertise is the care of patients with vascular diseases. He has had the privilege of helping to educate every General Surgery resident completing the IU program over the last 20 years in addition to many of our medical students. He initiated the IU Vascular Surgery residency in 2001, which provides two years of advanced training in the specialty.
Major research interests have been carotid artery disease/treatment (carotid endarterectomy), laser use in vascular surgery, and limb salvage interventions. His current interest is the study of chronic venous disease in animal models, which resulted in a multi-institutional Phase 1 clinical study evaluating the use of cryopreserved venous valve transplants to alleviate deep venous insufficiency. He is known nationally and internationally for this work. In association with Dr. Joseph Unthank, he maintains an active research interest in vascular collateral development especially as it relates to transitional research.
Dr. Dalsing is a member of every major vascular society including the Society for Vascular Surgery, the American Venous Forum, the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery and the Association of Program Directors in Vascular Surgery. He is a member of the American College of Surgeons, and is an ACS Governor representing Indiana. He has been president of the Indiana Chapter of the ACS and has held several offices in the Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society and the AVF. He is a manuscript reviewer for the major vascular journals and is currently on the editorial boards of the very prestigious Journal of Vascular Surgery and Vascular and Endovascular Surgery.