Eric B. Rasmusen
Dan R. & Catherine M. Dalton Professor - 2001 - 2019

Born and raised in Urbana, Illinois, Professor Rasmusen received his training at Yale (class of 1980) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and held positions at UCLA, Yale, and the University of Chicago before coming to Indiana. He specializes in the analysis of strategic behavior and the application of economic methods to law, and his widely used graduate text, Games and Information: An Introduction to Game Theory, has been translated into Italian, Spanish, and Japanese. A more recent book with J. Mark Ramseyer, Measuring Judicial Independence: The Political Economy of Judging in Japan, was published in 2003. Professor Rasmusen has also published on such topics as entry deterrence, mutual banks, risk, repeated games, adultery law, durable-goods monopoly, social regulation, incomplete contracts, exclusive dealing, and conservative investment bias. He is a director of South Sudanese Friends International, the American Law and Economics Association, and the Indiana chapter of the National Association of Scholars. He and his wife Helen have four children and attend Evangelical Community Church.