John E. Pless
* Deceased
Culbertson Professor of Pathology (Emeritus) - 2003

John E. Pless, M.D., was the Clyde G. Culbertson Professor Emeritus of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis. It was the first endowed Chair devoted to teaching pathology to medical students. He was the Associate Chairman of the Department of Pathology and as such has oversight for the educational programs including teaching of medical students, dental students and residents in pathology. His subspeciality in medicine is Forensic Pathology having to do with the documentation and analysis of medical/legal factors relating to death and injury. For 18 years he was the Director of the Division of Forensic Pathology at Indiana University and during most of that time he served as the Chief Forensic Pathologist for Indianapolis/Marion County. He also served as Director of the tissue bank of Indiana Organ Recovery Organization.
His major interest was the evaluation of injuries and abuse of children and other persons in custody. His research included the study of the differences between accidental and intentionally inflicted wounds. He also served as a consultant in forensic medicine.
A native of Bedford and Bloomington, Indiana and a graduate of Indiana University and its School of Medicine, Dr. Pless was married and the father of three children.