Janice S. Blum
Chancellor's Professor - 2008

Dr. Blum received a B.S. in Biochemistry from the Pennsylvania State University in 1979 and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Duke University Medical Center in 1984. She completed postdoctoral fellowships in Immunology at Duke University Medical Center and Washington University in Cell Biology and Physiology. She served as an instructor on the faculty at Washington University School of Medicine from 1990-1991. Dr. Blum was an Assistant Professor in Immunology and Diabetes at the Virginia Mason Clinic and the University of Washington from 1991-1995. She joined the faculty at Indiana University in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology in 1995. Dr. Blum serves as the Co-Director for the Center for Immunobiology, Director for the Immunology and Infectious Diseases Training Program, and member of the Indiana University Cancer Center, Diabetes and Obesity Training Program, and Walther Oncology Center. Dr. Blum's research focuses on immune responsiveness in humans. Her laboratory has studies focused on understanding the development of protective immunity to tumors and pathogens as well as suspectibility to autoimmune diseases such as arthritis and diabetes. Research investigations by Dr. Blum and her laboratory have been funded by the Arthritis Foundation, the American Diabetes Association, the American Heart Association, the Francis Families Foundation, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, the Melanoma Research Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health.
Dr. Blum has served on editorial boards for the Journal of Immunology, and Traffic. She has chaired and served on study sections for the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, Human Frontiers in Science Program, Netherlandse Kankerbestrijding, Koningin Wilehlmina Fonds, and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Dr. Blum has received the Arthritis Foundation Investigator Award, University of Washington's New Investigator in Science and Medicine Award, and the Mary Jane Kugel Award from the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. At Indiana University, Dr. Blum is a recipient of the Bynum Mentoring Award, a Trustee Teaching Award, and twice recognized with the Randy S. Rosenthal Graduate Student Advocacy Award.
In 2020, Blum was presented the Bicentennial Medal for her distinguished contributions to Indiana University.