George E. Ewing
* Deceased
Chancellor's Professor of Chemistry (Emeritus) - 1997

George Ewing was educated by his parents, family, teachers, friends. He received degrees from a number of accredited schools. He was initiated into his mature approach to science by his Ph.D. advisor, George C. Pimentel, at the University of California (Berkeley). Ewing joined the faculty at Indiana University in 1963. Over the years, he and his students studied the chemical and physical properties of molecular complexes, liquids, surfaces, atmospheric particles and ice. Thirty of these students received Ph.D. degrees for their contributions to this research. Over one hundred papers resulted. Thousands of students took courses from George Ewing in subjects ranging from General Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Molecular Spectroscopy. He developed and taught a course for non-science majors called Molecular Architecture.
George Ewing received a number of honors and invited lectureships included: Directeur des Researches (Ecole Polytechnique, France); Guggenheim Fellowship (Oxford, England); Isacc Taylor Visiting Professor (Technion, Israel); Chancellor's Professorship (Indiana University); Chapman Lecturer (University of Alaska) and Quatercentenary Visiting Fellowship (Cambridge, England). George Ewing had a great concern for environmental quality and served on the Air Pollution Control Board for the State of Indiana. He was a member of the Bloomington Coalition for Death Penalty Issues and was a member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).