George W. Sledge, Jr.
Distinguished Professor - 2012 - 2013
Ballve Lantero Professor of Oncology - 1996 - 2013

Dr. Sledge received a B.A. from the University of Wisconsin in 1973 and his M.D. from Tulane University in 1977. He received training in Internal Medicine at St. Louis University from 1977-80, and in Medical Oncology at the University of Texas-San Antonio from 1980-1983. He joined the faculty of the School of Medicine in 1983, rising to the rank of Professor in 1994, prior to becoming Ballvé, Lantero Professor of Oncology in 1996.
Dr. Sledge specializes in the study and treatment of breast cancer. In this role, he chaired the committee that developed the School of Medicine's first multi-disciplinary cancer program, the Breast Care and Research Center. He currently serves as co-chair of the Breast Cancer program of the Indiana University Cancer Center.
Dr. Sledge has published extensively in the area of breast cancer research, and has chaired several nation-wide clinical trials involving new therapies for breast cancer. He has served as chairman of the Hoosier Oncology Group's Breast Cancer committee, as a member and vice-chairman of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group's Breast Cancer Committee, as well as being editor-in-chief of Clinical Breast Cancer. He is an active member of the American Association for Cancer Research and the American Society for Cancer Research.