Thomas S. Inui
Joe and Sarah Ellen Mamlin Professor in Global Health Research (Emeritus) - 2012
Sam Regenstrief Professor of Health Services Research - 2002 - 2010

Thomas Inui is Professor of Medicine and Associate Dean for Health Care Research, Indiana University School of Medicine; Director of Research, Indiana University Kenya Program; and Research Scientist, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and Indiana University Center for Health Services and Outcomes Research. Dr. Inui's research interests focus on physician-patient communication, effectiveness of primary care services, improving the health status of vulnerable populations, and measuring outcomes of medical care. Dr. Inui is a member of the Institute of Medicine.
He previous appointments include: 1973-1974, Instructor, Department of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine 1973-1976, Instructor, Department of Medical Care Organization, JHU School of Hygiene and Public Health 1976-1980, Assistant Professor of Medicine and of Health Services (Public Health), University of Washington 1980-1985, Associate Professor of Medicine and of Health Services (Public Health), University of Washington 1985-1992, Professor of Medicine and of Health Services (Public Health),University of Washington 1992-2000, Professor and Chairman, Department of Ambulatory Care and Prevention, Harvard Medical School 1992-2000, Director, Primary Care Division, Harvard Medical School 1993-2000, Professor, Department of Health and Social Behavior, Harvard School of Public Health 1996-2000, HMS Faculty Dean for Academic Programs at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care 1998-2002, Paul C. Cabot Professor, Department of Ambulatory Care and Prevention, Harvard Medical School. Since 2002, he has served at the Regenstrief Institute for Health Care.
His past honors include: 1965, Departmental Honors in Philosophy, Haverford College 1965, Phi Beta Kappa, Haverford College 1969, The Johns Hopkins University Upjohn Award for Clinical Excellence 1971-1973, Carnegie Commonwealth Clinical Scholar of the Johns Hopkins University 1973, Beryl J. Roberts Memorial Prize for Writing in Public Health Education 1976, US Public Health Service Commendation Medal 1985, University of Washington School of Medicine Recognition Award for Teaching Excellence 1986, Certificate of Appreciation (for Exceptional Service to the Veterans Administration Department of Medicine and Surgery, Health Systems Research and Development Division) 1988, Alpha Omega Alpha, Elected to Faculty Member Status, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine 1990, Elected to Membership, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences 1991,
Elected to Membership, Western Association of Physicians 1991, Certificate of Appreciation (for Meritorious Service to the Cooperative Studies Program, Medical Research Service, Department of Veterans Affairs) 1992, Elected to Fellowship, The Royal Society of Medicine 1993, Robert Glaser Award, Society of General Internal Medicine 1993, Elected to Society of Scholars, The Johns Hopkins University 1998-2000, Elected to Council, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences 1998, Paul C. Cabot Professor of Ambulatory Care and Prevention, Harvard Medical School 1998-2003, Senior Scholar, The Fetzer Institute 2002, Scholar-in-Residence, Association of American Medical Colleges.