James O. Naremore
Chancellor's Professor (Emeritus) - 1995

James Naremore is the author of five books and dozens of essays on film and modern literature, and is the editor of four volumes of film criticism and theory, His research deals with a variety of writers, directors, and performers, including such figures as Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, Orson Welles, Alfred Hitchcock, John Huston, and Vincente Minnelli. Professor Naremore's publications on these and other topics have been translated into four languages, and his essays are frequently reprinted in anthologies. He has served on the editorial boards of PMLA and Cinema Journal, and as the chair of the MLA Film Division and the Publications Committee of the Society for Cinema Studies. Patrick Brantlinger, past chair of IU-Bloomington's Department of English, says of Professor Naremore: "Coupled with Jim's demonstrable excellence as a teacher at all levels, and also with his long, fine record of service to IU, Jim's many books and articles represent a level of achievement that few people at IU come close to equaling, let alone surpassing. It is above all the innovative, brilliant, influential quality of Jim's publications in the area of film studies that have placed him in the forefront of that field, but he is also a widely acclaimed critic of modern British literature." Virginia Wright Wexman, President of the Society for Cinema Studies, calls Professor Naremore "a gifted writer," his publications "groundbreaking," and adds that "it is as rare in film studies as in any other field to find a body of work which demonstrates to unequivocal a commitment to exploring new methods and new ideas of the course of an entire career."