David R. Heise
* Deceased
Rudy Professor of Sociology (Emeritus) - 1990

David Heise was a John Simon Guggenheim Fellow in 1977 and principal investigator for an NIMH grant in 1977-79. He directed NIMH training programs at the University of North Carolina and Indiana University. He served as editor of Sociological Methodology and Sociological Methods & Research and Journal of Mathematical Sociology and on the editorial board of Sociological Methods & Research, Social Science Computer Review, and Journal of Mathematical Sociology. Heise joined Indiana University's Department of Sociology department in 1981 and retired in 2002 while maintaining an active research agenda.
Heise was a member of several professional organizations including the American Sociological Association and International Society for Research on Emotions. He was elected to the Society of Experimental Social Psychology and Sociological Research Association. The American Sociological Association sections granted him an award for outstanding contributions to sociological computing and the Cooley-Mead award for distinguished scholarship in social psychology. Heise was a guest lecturer or panelist at numerous universities and conferences over the years including the University of Trento, Italy; University of Mannheim, Germany; University of Surrey, England, and eight Japanese universities.
Among his many awards and honors, Heise received the 2002 Lifetime Achievement Award from the ASA Section on Emotions, the 2010 Harrison White Outstanding Book Award and the 2010 James S. Coleman Distinguished Career Award from the ASA Section on Mathematical Sociology, and the 2013 Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Academy for Intercultural Research. His achievements were celebrated at a conference in his honor at Indiana University in October 2019. The papers from that conference, including his final article, appeared in a special issue of American Behavioral Scientist in 2022.