Hal E. Broxmeyer
* Deceased
Mary Margaret Walther Professor (Emeritus) - 2009
Distinguished Professor (Emeritus) - 2004

Dr. Broxmeyer's area of research was regulation of hematopoietic and embryonic stem cell self-renewal, proliferation, survival, differentiation and migration, hematopoiesis and immune cell activity. He received a Ph.D., New York University (NYU), 1973; did post-doctoral training Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, and from 1975-1983 was at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York rising to the rank of Associate Member, and was Assistant Professor Cornell University Graduate School (1980-83). He was Associate Professor, IU School of Medicine 1983-86, Professor 1986-1988, Mary Margaret Walther Professor 1988-2009, Chair, Microbiology/Immunology 1997-Present, Distinguished Professor, 2004-2021.
He received: NYU Founder's Day Award, 1973; Mellar Awards: 2nd Prize, 1976, 1st Prize 1977, and Boyer Award 1983 (MSKCC); Special Fellow (1976-1978) and Scholar (1978-1983) Awards, Leuk. Lymph. Soc.; Merit Award NCI (1987-95); Variety Club Awards, 1992, 1993; Gold Medal City of Paris, 1993; World of Difference Award, Indiana Health Industry, 1997; Health Care Heroes Award, Indianapolis Business Journal, 2002; Karl Landsteiner Award, Amer Assoc Blood Banks, 2002; Distinguished Alumni Award, Long Island University, 2005; Taylor Diversity Award, IU, 2006; vanBekkum Award, Autologous Blood and Marrow Society, 2006; E. Donnall Thomas Lecture & Prize, and the Amer Soc Hematol (ASH), 2007. He has been President Int. Soc. Exp. Hematol. 1990/91, Advisory Council, NHLBI, 1993-95; NIH Hematol II Study Section 1981-86, 1996-2000 (Chair 97-00), Council ASH (2001-05), and VP (2008), Pres-Elect (2009), Pres (2010) of ASH; Chairman Bd Scientific Councilors & EAC, Natl Space Biomed Res Inst, NASA (1998-2006); Bd Directors, National Disease Research Interchange (Chairman 2007-2009). He served on 11 scientific editorial boards, published over 630 papers (459 refereed, 175 reviews/book chapters), and authored 13 patents.
Broxmeyer received the IU Bicentennial Medal in August 2020 in recognition of his distinguished contributions to Indiana University.
Dr. Broxmeyer passed away on December 8, 2021.