Wendy R. Trueblood Miller
Sally Reahard Endowed Chair - 2024

Dr. Wendy Trueblood Miller is a Professor and the Sally Reahard Endowed Chair at the Indiana University School of Nursing (IUSON). She also serves as Director of the Center for Enhancing Quality of Life and as the Executive Associate Dean for Research at IUSON. Dr. Miller's independent program of research is focused on generating knowledge that will advance the state of the science in the area of chronic condition self-management, with particular emphasis on the population of adults with epilepsy. Specifically, she focuses on improving the quality of life of people with epilepsy via patient-centered interventions, access to care related to the social determinants of health with a focus on rural populations, and use of Big Data analysis of patient-generated social media data to capture the organic patient voice. Her research program consists of an interdisciplinary team involving researchers from nursing, medicine, gender studies, and informatics. She is a co-lead of the Irsay Institute Stigma section and frequently collaborates with the Kinsey Institute. Her research has been funded by the NIH, industry, and the public sector. She is also committed to and actively involved in training PhD students and post-doctoral fellows and has served as PI on both T32 and R25 grants from the NIH. Dr. Miller serves on multiple patient advocacy and professional advisory boards related to epilepsy, and is engaged in health policy to improve the lives of people living with epilepsy and human health overall.