Andrea L. Stevens Goddard
Lee J. Suttner Professor in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences - 2020
Andrea L. Stevens Goddard earned a B.S. in economics and a B.S. in geology and geophysics from Purdue University in 2011. Upon graduation, she continued her education at the University of Arizona where she earned her Ph.D. in geosciences in 2017. She joined the Indiana University (IU) faculty as an assistant professor of Earth and atmospheric sciences in 2020. In August 2020, she earned the additional, honorary title of Lee J. Suttner Professor.
Prior to joining the IU faculty, she served as an assistant professor at Rowan University in the Department of Geology since 2018. Her research combines fieldwork with analytical techniques such as thermochronology and geochronology to understand the timing and rates of Earth processes over geologic time. As a sedimentologist, she investigates these questions from a sedimentary basin’s perspective, using information preserved in eroded material to interpret the geologic evolution of source areas. Her recent work has focused on understanding the roles and potential feedbacks between climate and tectonics and lithospheric scale processes on erosion, sediment routing, and landscape evolution. Her research includes work understanding orogenic systems as well as the formation of intracratonic basins and their relationship with plate boundary processes. Stevens Goddard directs and manages the fission track lab at Indiana University.
Throughout her career, Stevens Goddard’s contributions to research and academia have been recognized with various awards and honors. In both 2015 and 2017, she received the Montgomery Award for Best Overall Presentation from the GeoDaze Symposium. She also received the Structural Geology and Tectonics Student Research Award from the Geology Society of America in 2014.