Chandy John
Distinguished Professor - 2024
Ryan White Professor of Pediatrics - 2015

Chandy John completed his M.D. at the University of Michigan in 1988. Dr. John was a faculty member at Case Western Reserve University from 1998-2005. He joined the University of Minnesota in 2005, and established the Division of Global Pediatrics, the first division of Pediatrics devoted to global child health in the USA; he served as its first director until 2014. He was also Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine, holder of the Marguerite and James Dugger Endowed Professorship in Pediatrics, and a member of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at the University of Minnesota. Additionally, Dr. John guided development of the University of Minnesota's pediatric global health track for pediatric and medicine-pediatrics residents.
In 2015, Dr. John came to IUPUI as the Ryan White Professor of Pediatrics, a Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, and Director of the Section of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Global Health. At IU, the John Lab is a collaborative research group that does research studies in Uganda with Makerere University and Global Health Uganda and in Kenya with the Kenya Medical Research Institute and Maseno University. The lab investigates how malaria immunity develops, why severe malaria occurs, which factors lead to impaired neurodevelopment in children with malaria, and how malaria interacts with other disease states like iron deficiency and sickle cell disease.
Dr. John has served as an appointed member of the Clinical Research and Field Studies study section of the National Institutes of Health, and has served on numerous other NIH review committees, as well as review committees for the Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, Thrasher Foundation, French National Research Agency and other national and international research institutions. He has served on national committees for the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, the American Pediatric Society, the Society for Pediatric Research, and the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society.
His published writing outside of medical research includes essays, poetry, and short stories.