Diana V. Lambdin
Martha Lea and Bill Armstrong Chair in Teacher Education - 2005 - 2010

Diana V. Lambdin is Professor of Mathematics Education at Indiana University - Bloomington, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses for prospective elementary teachers and co-directs a combination masters-degree and elementary teacher certification program for career changing adults. She also served as Associate Dean for Teacher Education from 2001 to 2007. Prior to joining the IU faculty, Dr. Lambdin taught mathematics at a variety of levels and to a diversity of students: to middle school students in a private school in Marblehead, Massachusetts; to high school students at a public school in Ypsilanti, Michigan; and to entry level college students and prospective teachers at Iowa State University.
She holds B.A. and M.A. degrees in mathematics from the University of Delaware and earned her Ph.D. in mathematics education from Indiana University in 1988. Dr. Lambdin has been active in mathematics education as an author, editor, and project evaluator. From 1996-2000 she was book review editor for the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, after serving as associate editor (1992-1995) and associate editor of the journal's monograph series (1988-1992). She was a member of the writing team for Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM, 2000). She has written widely about mathematical problem solving, mathematics teaching, and teacher education, in publications including Arithmetic Teacher and Teaching Children Mathematics, Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, Mathematics Teacher, Journal of Teacher Education, Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, For the Learning of Mathematics, and Journal of Educational Research.
Dr. Lambdin is a frequent speaker at local, regional, national and international meetings of a variety of teacher-related organizations, including the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and the North American and International Groups for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.