Jeffrey D. Fisher
Charles H. & Barbara F. Dunn Professor of Real Estate - 1998 - 2011

Jeffrey D. Fisher, Ph.D., CRE is Director of the Benecki Center for Real Estate Studies and the Charles H. and Barbara F. Dunn Professor of Real Estate at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business. He is currently on the board of directors of the Pension Real Estate Association (PREA) and is a member of the faculty and board of directors of the Weimer School of Advanced Studies in Real Estate and Land Economics, Homer Hoyt Advanced Studies Institute. Dr. Fisher has served on the board of directors of the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF) and is a consultant to NCREIF. He is also on the board of the Real Estate Research Institute (RERI) and he is a Research Affiliate of the MIT Center for Real Estate (CRE). He received PREA/Graaskamp Award for Research Excellence from the Pension Real Estate Association, The Richard Ratcliff award from the American Real Estate Society for impact on the real estate profession, the George Bloom Award from the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association for "Outstanding Contributions to the field of Real Estate" the Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni Award for Teaching Excellence in Finance at the IU School of Business and the Martin S. Katz Memorial Award from the American Property Tax Council (APTC) for his contribution to valuation theories. Dr. Fisher was a founding trustee of The Appraisal Foundation that was formed in 1987 by the major appraisal organizations as a self-regulatory organization and source of standards for the appraisal industry. He served as President of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA) in 1990 and is currently a member of the Editorial Board for Real Estate Economics. Fisher also served as the 1986-87 Chairman of the Real Estate Center Directors and Chairholders' Association. He has been on the board of directors of the Real Estate Research Institute and is currently a Fellow of the Real Estate Research Institute. Professor Fisher has a doctorate in Real Estate from Ohio State University. He is a coauthor of Real Estate, 9th edition published by John Wiley and Sons, coauthor of Real Estate Finance, 12th edition, published by McGraw-Hill, and coauthor of the following books that were published by Real Estate Education Company: Questions and Answers to Help You Pass the Appraisal Certification Exam, The Language of Real Estate Appraisal, Income Property Appraisal and Income Property Valuation . He also wrote the chapter on real estate which appears in Managing Investment Portfolios, 1st edition, for the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts, a chapter on real estate appraisal for Managing Real Estate Portfolios, edited by Susan Hudson-Wilson and Charles H. Wurtzebach, Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1994, and a chapter on performance measurement for The Office Building book, a joint publication of the Counselors of Real Estate, the Appraisal Institute and the Society of Industrial and Office REALTORS. He also coauthored a chapter on Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities for the Handbook of Structured Financial Products, edited by Frank Fabozzi, 1998. He is an associate editor of Real Estate Finance. His books have been translated into Japanese, Chinese and Korean and Income Property Valuation received the Excellent Writing Prize from the Real Estate Companies of Japan. Dr. Fisher has published numerous articles in journals such as The Journal of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, The Journal of Urban Economics, The Journal of Real Estate Research, Journal of Portfolio Management, National Tax Journal, Public Finance Quarterly, The Appraisal Journal, Real Estate Review, The Real Estate Appraiser and Analyst, Real Estate Issues and the Journal of Property Tax Management. One of his articles was reprinted in The New Corporate Finance, published by McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993.