Eliza Pavalko
Allen D. and Polly S. Grimshaw Professor of Sociology - 2007

Professor Pavalko received her B.A. from Guilford College and her M.A. and PhD from Florida State University. After three years as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Associate at the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, she joined the faculty at Indiana University in 1991. Pavalko's research agenda is framed by an interest in how individuals move through adulthood and how pathways of work, family and health across adulthood intersect with historical change. One core area of research has focused on the relationship between women's labor force participation, family demands and health, examining how women's paid and unpaid careers (including housework and caregiving) affect their physical and emotional health, but also how those careers may themselves be shaped by health. Because of the dramatic historical change in women's paid and unpaid family work, more recently, she has begun to examine whether relationships between women's paid work, unpaid family work and health vary across birth cohorts of U.S. women. A second, but related area of interest examines how institutional policies, such as mental health care and work-family policies in the workplace influence health and well-being. Professor Pavalko is currently serving as the editor of The Journal of Health and Social Behavior and her work has been funded by the National Institute on Aging, National Institute of Mental Health, and the National Science Foundation. She has published widely in sociology, medical sociology and aging journals including American Journal of Sociology, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, Medical Care and Psychiatry. From 2001-2004 she served as the Director of Graduate Studies in Sociology and is the incoming chair for the Section on Aging and the Life Course for the American Sociological Association. In addition, she has received several departmental teaching honors, including a Trustees Teaching Award and the Graduate Student Mentor Award.