Alan Breier
Raymond E. Houk Professor of Psychiatry - 2022
AAMHRE/IUPA Professor of Psychiatry - 2010 - 2021

Dr. Alan Breier was appointed The Association for the Advancement of Mental Health Research and Education, Inc. (AAMHRE) and Indiana University Psychiatry Associates (IUPA) Professor of Psychiatry in 2010.
Dr. Breier received his undergraduate degree from Toledo and his medical degree from University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. The primary research focus involves testing innovative therapeutics for schizophrenia and elucidating the underlying disease processes of psychotic disorders. Genetic analyses and brain imaging are used in these studies. Schizophrenia is one of the most severe and puzzling disorders in all medicine. Advances in brain imaging, genomics and translational sciences has led to the brink of major breakthroughs in understanding the cause of schizophrenia and the development of innovative therapeutics for its treatment. Central Indiana offers an ideal professional environment to accelerate the acquisition of new knowledge that will ultimately benefit the countless patients in our State and around the world.